Reclamo N° 127369

01 Novembre 2018
I made a fully cancellable and flexible reservation at The Code hotel, Rome (dates 4.11-14.11), without prepayment (all set forth in mybooking confirmation). the hotel charged 100% booking price (1 327.72 Euros) from my credit card (on 21 September) and still refuses to refund. I booked using service - their representatives agree the hotel didn't have the right to charge me - it's all stated in my confirmation ("cancellable, no prepayment"). All the same, the Code hotel also refused to give my money back because they fear lest my bank withdraws the amount and the hotel would then have to pay twice. My bank sent me a formal refusal to interfere, besides the bank confirmed it has no authority to "recall the transaction" without the hotel's approval. Booking,com refused to refund me. I've got all the documents, plus correspondence with the Code hotel - every detail is proved. Everyone refuses help. Can you interfere?
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Dal Lunedì al Venerdì
dalle ore 9 – 13 / 14 – 18

06 32600239