Reclamo N° 129801

18 Novembre 2018
Yesterday November 17, we took the bus number "Y25-1" from Roma Tiburtina station at 23:45 pm with destination at 08:15 am to Milano Romolo, with the company "bus center.it". (The last destination of that bus was Genova)
Our tickets are: R3IIP (Romina Pozo Arias) and G503K (Brenda Elizabeth Ortiz Meléndez). While we were on our way back, the bus made a stop in a gas station and "Chef Express" at 2 am and while me and a friend were in the bathroom the bus left us there and went out with our luggages, one black backpack with my passport in the inside of the bus and one small red hard cover carry on with four wheels on the luggages cabin. We asked for help to the woman who was working there and she told us to wait for another bus so we can come back, so that's what we did. At 3:45 am more or less another bus arrived and we could finally come back but out lagger are lost. Nobody helped us, we asked for help to the new bus drivers and they only told us to calll the callcenter, we called the callcenter but they don't answer, we went to the office in the bus station and they told us the same, we haven't got any response from anybody and we really need our things back.
Thank you so much, hope you can help us.
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