Reclamo N° 323501

13 Marzo 2024
A couple of weeks ago, Amazon abruptly canceled my account. I was attempting to access my account to make a purchase, and upon reaching the login page and entering my credentials, the following message appeared: ‘Your account has been terminated for improper use of Amazon services. We have sent you an email with more information.’ (It was written in Italian, I translated it with Google translate). However, no email arrived in my inbox despite repeated attempts. I began searching online to see if anyone else had encountered the same issue. I found an email address where I could file a complaint (btw, [email protected]). They responded from [email protected], stating: ‘as already communicated to you, we have closed this account. From our records, we have previously terminated your account for violating the terms of our user agreement. Following termination of your account due to breach of contract, you are not permitted to open a new account or use another account to place orders on our site. Following a thorough evaluation, we have decided not to restore your full access to this account. It will therefore not be possible for you to place orders on our site. Any digital content purchased with this account is still available to you. To access the content, click the Manage content and devices link in the My Orders menu on’ Despite my attempts to seek clarification, they provided the same generic responses, failing to explain the exact reason for the account termination and how I violated the terms of the agreement. Furthermore, they mentioned that I could still access digital content purchased with the account, which was untrue since my account was closed, leaving me without access to anything. Adding insult to injury, I own a Kindle that was linked to my account. A few days later, I attempted to read a book on my Kindle. As I am Russian and my Amazon account is Italian (and all the books in the Amazon store are either in Italian or English), I purchase eBooks from Russian websites and download them via USB from my PC to my Kindle. However, that night when I opened my Kindle, it was EMPTY!!! All my books were gone! And on the screen was the login page to the Amazon account, which I no longer had access to. Here arises an interesting question: how did they learn that my account was closed if my device was not connected to Wi-Fi? This implies that Amazon has another means of controlling my data and my device. All the books I downloaded, all the notes I made in the books, all the progress I made (I usually read several books at the same time) - everything was gone! An empty Kindle!!! I am deeply disappointed and angry with the situation and feel utterly helpless in resolving this problem. My account was canceled without explanation, I cannot ask questions through the app's customer service as my account is closed, Amazon support has ceased responding to my emails, my Kindle books have been deleted, and there is no one who seems to care or can offer assistance in any way to address this issue.
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